
Bath and Brush
For any breed, this includes bath, complete brush out, nails trimmed, ears cleaned, and any trimming around the paws if necessary.

Bath and Tidy
Same as the bath and brush and includes trimming of any hair around the rear, belly, tail, and chest.

Kennel Clip
This clip leaves the hair the same length over the entire body which is perfect for a low maintenance and neat haircut. The length can range but is usually no longer than 1/2 inch.

A lamb clip leaves the body a shorter length (about 3/8″ to  ¼”) and the head, tail and legs are longer, hand scissored and left neatly formed and fluffy. Again, this hair style can be left longer or shorter depending on personal preference.

Teddy Bear 
This leaves the coat just as it sounds, like a teddy bear and is 1/2 inch or longer. Length can be modified according to preference but the fluffy look is maintained.

Breed Specific
Purebred dogs have a specific way they are groomed so many owners request this type of style to maintain their dogs identity! However, many modifications can be made to suit owner preference.

Each of the above hairstyles is performed in combination with a Full Groom, which includes:

  • Bath
  • Blow Dry / Fluff Dry
  • Ear Cleaning
  • Ear hair removal (If Necessary)
  • Nail Trim
  • 15 minutes of brushing (additional charge will be added if more brushing is needed)

NOTE: Our shampoos are gentle, high quality, and all natural. The product used on your pet will be chosen based on your pets coat and skin type. Please let us know if your dog has any allergies.

Please let us know if your dog has any allergies.